Credentialing Commission (CC)
The CC serves in an advisory capacity to the VCB and the LFB to ensure policies for the CVA and MAFF credentialing programs remain consistent, where applicable, across both boards and programs. Because the CC has no direct decision-making authority, the VCB and LFB will each vote to approve policies that are applicable to their respective board. In places where both the VCB and LFB share a policy, both boards will need to approve the same policy. In instances where changes to existing policy or the addition of new policy impact both boards, for example, exam development or exam administration processes, the CC will review planned changes, resolve any differences between the VCB and LFB, and recommend a final harmonized policy to both boards for approval. The CC also represents the VCB and LFB in the EOB’s disciplinary processes. The CC has no direct decision-making responsibility, has no direct responsibility for, or involvement in, education or training, and does not have the authority to create a new credential.
Credentialing Commission

Michael Pakter, IL
Chair, 2024–2025

Thomas Gorowsky, MN

Christina LoRusso, NV

Nataliya Kalava, FL

Richard Lyman, NC

Ashley Taylor, AL

David Solis, WA

Janice Moore, NC