Business Valuation Training
The business valuation industry performed relatively well during the recent economic downturn due to a rise in bankruptcies that offset a low level of merger and acquisition activity. Growth is anticipated to continue at a strong pace in light of the vast number of U.S. babyboomers reaching retirement age who are considering the sale of their businesses, interest rates that are forecast to remain low, and a dramatic rise in activity in the healthcare industry. CPAs and other financial service professionals are uniquely positioned and highly qualified to provide business valuation services for these purposes.
- Business Valuation Certification and Training Center
- Current Update in Valuations (CUV)
- Industry Standards and Ethics
- Business Valuation Report Peer Review—Case Analysis In-Person (CAP) or by Webinar (CAW)
- Report Writing: Review and Analysis
- Around the Valuation World®
- Essentials of Business Valuations
- Introduction to Business Valuation
- Business Valuation: A Practical Approach to Advanced Issues and Applications
Determine, Defend, and Maximize Company Value®