Audit Evidence Versus Forensic Evidence (1440Q) |
Course CPE: 2 hours Field(s) of Study: Auditing–1 hr; Business Management and Organization–1 hr Program Level: Intermediate Prerequisites: Previous training or research on subject matter being taught. Such persons are often at a mid-level within the organization, with operational and/or supervisory responsibilities. Advanced Preparation: None Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study
Number: 20FL0619AEVF2
Shipping Weight: 0lbs. 0oz. |
$147.00 |
Recording Date: June 19, 2020
Presenter: Francisco "Frank" Rosillo
Program Description:
In this course, the presenter will discuss the following: 1) Comparisons of the Traditional Audit Model based on Management Assertions to the Forensic “Testimonial Model"; 2) Forensic Credentials—Fraud Related versus Litigation Support Related; 3) Similarities between an Audit Engagement versus a Forensic Engagement; and 4) Practice Tips for a successful forensic engagement and the management of forensic evidence.
After completing this course, attendees will be able to:
- Identify the tools and knowledge necessary to understand the nature, differences, and similarities of forensic evidence used during the litigation process and audit evidence normally gathered during a traditional audit engagement
- Differentiate court room etiquette and rules of evidence applicable to the testifying expert in support of an opinion proffered
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