CPE On-Demand
Annual Unlimited CPE On-Demand Subscription | $995
Subscribe Today! Contact Member/Client Services at (800) 677-2009 or NACVA1@NACVA.com
This convenient method for gaining the highest quality of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is affordable, easy to access, and available to you on-demand. Now some courses qualify for Quality Assurance Service (QAS) Self-Study is a NASBA-approved delivery method for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit.
Recommended CPE Bonus Point Programs and Self-Study courses are not included with an Annual CPE On-Demand Subscription and must be purchased separately.
NACVA’s COVID-19 Public Service Campaign—Staying in Business
Expansive free course series—without CPE—designed to provide technical guidance, practical advice, and answers to difficult questions to help you sustain a solid practice now and in the aftermath of this global crisis.
Important Information | Subscriptions require a one-year commitment. Annual and monthly subscription plans available. All CPE On-Demand sales are final and cannot be shared. If there are multiple people within the same firm who wish to purchase an Annual Unlimited CPE On-Demand Subscription, they must purchase their own subscription. The CPE On-Demand library covers a variety of topics and many indicate the original course date from the current date to many years back. Older courses are retained because overall content is good to excellent, and much can still be learned. Some older courses refer to rules, regulations, guidelines, case law, data sources, processes, etc., that may have since been updated, changed, modified, superseded, negated, or made less relevant. Thus, when viewing older presentations, make note of references that either in your good judgement, or common sense would suggest separate research that such reference is still applicable as presented therein. Although courses in the CPE On-Demand library qualify for NACVA CPE and/or compliant with NASBA CPE standards, they may not be accepted by all state boards or accrediting organizations. Therefore, individuals should contact their state board or accrediting organization as they have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.
The Consultants’ Training Institute (CTI) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.