About the Editors

About the Senior and Associate Editors

D. Larry Crumbley
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
6001 Thoroughbred Ridge
College Station, TX 77845
Phone: 979-255-1286
College Station, TX 77845
Phone: 979-255-1286

Christine Crawford-Cheng
Patterson School of Accountancy
University of Mississippi
204D Conner
Oxford, MS 38677
Phone: 662-915-5731

Edmund D. Fenton, Jr.
Northern Kentucky University
Department of Accounting & Business Law
100 Nunn Drive, BC 375
Highland Heights, KY 41099
Phone: 859-492-7169

Jesus R. Jimenez-Andrade
Texas A&M University - San Antonio
One University Way
San Antonio, TX 78224
Phone: (210) 784-2377
Hugh Grove is emeritus professor in the School of Accountancy at the Daniels College of Business, University of Denver. He joined the College after receiving his doctorate from the University of Southern California. Previously, he worked as a Senior Auditor at Arthur Andersen in Detroit. He continues to be a Co-Chair for the Annual Corporate Governance Workshop, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Belgium, since its inception in 2004. He will soon have published 215 research papers and business cases in academic journals and has given numerous national and international presentations, more recently in Brussels, Abu Dhabi, Moscow, Lisbon, Dijon, and Venice.
Texas A&M University - San Antonio
One University Way
San Antonio, TX 78224
Phone: (210) 784-2377

Hugh Grove
University of Denver
School of Accountancy
Daniels College of Business
2101 S. University Blvd.
Denver, CO 80208
303-871-2026 (office)
303-871-2016 (fax)