Thriving in Forensics—Practice Instruction for Forensic Operators© |
Product Deactivated 11/10/2022 AB CPE Credit
Program Type: VideoCast (Audio,Video, PPT Presentation) Program Level: Advanced Prerequisites: Good knowledge of topic and experience in the field. Advanced Preparation: None Delivery Method: Group Internet-Based CPE Credits: Two (2) Hours Fields of Study: Accounting |
Number: 16PFFLVG1207B
Shipping Weight: 0lbs. 0oz. |
$110.00 |
Program Description
Do you want to start/grow/expand/enhance your forensic assignments? This session tells you how to find, connect with, and deliver to clients who require forensic skills.
Marketing, “selling,” and delivering forensic services are not well understood. This session explains the principles, identifies the necessary actions, and provides auxiliary materials that make forensic assignment generation nearly seamless. The profiled methodologies range from simple to more powerful approaches, and will be augmented by up to one hour of post-webinar, no-charge, personal consultation with the presenter to support implementation.
- How to “launch” the effort? Proprietary marketing techniques such as SPWIM, 1-2-3, ABC, “show and tell,” FFI, environment/timing, “5 minutes ONLY,” social media guidance, and ancillary methods are discussed and illustrated. - Who (internally and externally) should be involved? Even practitioners who perceive themselves unskilled/unsuited for forensics can be rapidly re-tooled with little effort. - How long does it take? A practitioner who legitimately puts the tools into action can expect at least one new forensic assignment within two weeks. - What if I have no forensic capability? Everyone must begin from their position of capability. However, the content of this session educates and arms each person to overcome inertia. - Illustrative examples. Many examples are used throughout to reinforce results. - How do I sustain the effort? A combination of marketing methodologies accommodates virtually every practitioner.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this webinar, attendees will be able to:
- Formulate an execution plan custom-tailored to their personal circumstances - Locate actual “portfolio” examples they can use for support - Determine how a forensic client can be secured within two weeks of implementation - Plan a follow up “cheerleading” session from the instructor
Who Should Attend
Financial professionals
Darrell D. Dorrell, CPA, MBA, ASA, CVA, CMA, ABV, CFF Mr. Darrell Dorrell is a founding partner of financialforensics®, a boutique forensic accounting practice in Lake Oswego, Oregon. He practices in civil and criminal matters throughout the United States and has served as an expert witness/consultant in 500+/- matters; additional assignments exceed 1,000+/-. They include alter ego, anti-trust, bankruptcy, breach of contract, estate/gift taxes, family law, fraud, fraudulent conveyance/transfer intellectual property, lost profits, patent, solvency/insolvency, trademark, trade dress, and trade secrets.
A nationally recognized speaker and author, Mr. Dorrell has delivered more than 100 training presentations on forensic accounting related topics during the last five years. His presentations span 23 states (including 12 state CPA societies), Puerto Rico, and Canada. He has provided training to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States Department of Justice (USDOJ), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), American Bar Association, Bankruptcy Bar Association, Oregon Bar Association, Washington Bar Association, American Society of Appraisers (ASA), American Institute of Certified Public Accountants® (AICPA®), National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts™ (NACVA®), Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Association of Insolvency & Restructuring Advisors, Institute of Management Accountants, International Law Enforcement Auditors Association, SEAK, CPAA International, Inc., AGN, Inc., and Turnaround Management Association.
Mr. Dorrell has published more than 70 articles included in American Journal of Family Law; Business Appraisal Practice; CPA Journal; Financial Valuation and Litigation Expert; Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Journal; Litigation Counselor; National Litigation Consultants Review; The Value Examiner; RIA’s Valuation Strategies; and the United States Attorneys’ Bulletin. Additionally, he has been cited in Bloomberg Wealth Manager; Business Week; IR Magazine; the Portland Oregonian; the Practical Accountant; and Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives, a New York Times best-seller; and authored the forensic accounting chapter in Valuation for Dummies. Also, he has been featured on National Public Radio (NPR); WYNC “RadioLab;” the “Small Business Television” network; and the “First Business News Network Television.” His financial forensics, forensic accounting, investigative, damages, valuation, fraud, and related expertise is extensive. Most significantly, he developed the Forensic Accounting/Investigation Methodology© (FA/IM©); and he co-authored for the USDOJ the March 2005, Vol. 53 No. 2 issue, Financial Forensics I-Counterterrorism: Conventional Tools for Unconventional Warfare and the May 2005 Vol. 53 No. 3 issue, Financial Forensics II-Forensic Accounting: Counterterrorism Tactical Weaponry. Both issues are available via the public site: http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/foiamanuals.html. |